Sunday, April 10, 2011

Daily Sketches 4/3/11 - 4/9/11

Unfortunately, it's been kind of a blah week in sketchblog land. As I mentioned before, some of the stuff I'm working on is under NDA, so I won't be able to post it at this point in time. But, anyway, here's my week in drawing.


Worked on a box concept. First real one I tried putting on paper for this game, but it's definitely missing something. Can't post this now, though.


Quick doodle while on break at work, based on a photo reference. I just liked the way the dog's paws were positioned and wanted to try drawing them. Nothing special.


Spent more time studying boxes than drawing them, but I did mess around with our logo a bit. I didn't design the logo (logos are unfortunately not a strong point of mine), but we're trying to figure out a final version based on group feedback. Again, can't really post anything. I literally can't, in this case. I did try to put together some mock up stuff on my computer, but my poor laptop ended up bluescreening on me while trying to save it. I ended up getting frustrated and going to bed. Really need to save up for a new computer.


I needed a break from boxes on Wednesday and decided to randomly study bird wings instead. I was trying to figure out the shape breakdown and feather layout. It's something I'd like to study further, especially if I ever want to try some decent wing animation.


On Thursday, it was back to trying out more box art ideas. Tried one with color, but ultimately, I think it was too busy and didn't direct the eye properly. Can't post, though.


Another day of stuff I can't post. Did another pencil sketch box concept that wasn't really doing anything for me, and also tried my hand at refining part of someone else's idea, which I'm going to play with some more. We did some group critiques the following day of everyone's concepts, so hopefully that'll give everyone some more direction and ideas to draw from going into next week.


Spent a lot of time doing box critiques on Saturday, but I wanted to do something unrelated when I got home from our meeting. Just a simple sketch.

And that's it for this week! Hopefully next week will be more fun. Though I suspect it will still be full of box studying...

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