Monday, May 16, 2011

Daily Sketches 5/8/11 to 5/14/11

Annnd, here's last week's pictures! I should be up to date now. I need to try drawing earlier in the day when possible so I'm not all tired and sloppy when trying to draw. ^_^;;


I spent way too much time at work on Sunday watching the groundhog that lives on the hill across from our building dig new burrows and go on other exciting adventures, so I wanted to try drawing a groundhog. It was too far away to draw any real detail, so I had to look up a reference photo.


A character design that I've been playing around with. It's supposed to fit in with the HOPB universe.


Sitting on the floor, trying to think of something to draw before bed.


I saw this lizard in a pet store a while back. Not sure what kind it is, exactly. I've always kind of wanted a pet lizard, but I'm afraid of owning anything cold-blooded since I've never been good with keeping the temperature consistent.


Adrian asked for a duck. Here's a duck. Probably not the type of duck he wanted, but oh well.


My surroundings are full of people Watching TV.


This was the night PSN came back up. I'd been missing it. Still waiting for the store to come back, though. Need to download episode 3 of Back to the Future!

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