Sunday, May 29, 2011

Daily Sketches 5/22/11 to 5/28/11


My brother and I were discussing Noby Noby Boy and how amusing it is to get him to tie himself up in knots. :)


My boyfriend's cat is weird... for many, many reasons. Sometimes she just flops down on the floor in weird, uncomfortable looking positions and falls asleep.


Spent Tuesday doing mock ups for the game. Nothing showable. (And not really that interesting, anyway.)


This is one of the roses from the bush in front of the building where I work. They're so pretty. It's too bad that the rain this week took most of them out. I think there are new buds forming, though.


So, I've been thinking a lot about creature design lately. I was outside moving my car at work on Thursday and started thinking about the animals that live by the creek outside the building, and one of them was foxes. Then I guess I tried thinking of an animal that pretty much looked nothing like a fox, and I somehow settled on an ostrich. So, here is the result of their unholy union, the foxtrich.


Started sketching a reclining figure, but then ended up being more interested in drawing the foot, heh. I need to practice foot drawing more, anyway.


Wanted to try a figure with a little more action this time.

And that's it for this week. :)

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