Sunday, March 27, 2011

Daily Sketches 3/20/11 - 3/26/11

Hey, isn't this why I originally started this blog? Let's see if I can stick with it.

Unfortunately, I've been having computer problems, so this week, I've got pictures of pencil sketches photographed with my phone's camera. Sorry about the quality. ^_^;;


Forum challenge for Sonic's 20th Anniversary. It was supposed to be an image of a boss battle from a Sonic game. I picked the Metal Overlord battle from Sonic Heroes. Definitely not my favorite boss battle or favorite Sonic game, but I thought that it would be fun to draw, and I liked that Tails and Knuckles came along for the ride. :)


So, I've been thinking a lot about yawning lately. Maybe it's because I've been so tired all the time. But I've always had trouble drawing a proper yawn. So, I was googling yawns and found this yawning dog. I love it. The photo gallery was from someone named Loo, I believe? Anyway, great dog. I wanted to try drawing it, so I did. Sucks that I'm so afraid of dogs (after getting bitten by an escaped dog as a kid), 'cause they're really awesome looking.


I had a little more free time on Tuesday, so I decided to subject myself to cat life drawing. :) I love drawing my cats, but they never want to sit still long enough, so I usually end up with really loose line drawings. Then I went to my boyfriend's place and tried to draw his cat. She was a little easier, since she tends to just flop onto her back and stay in that position for extended periods of time. I wanted to draw my sister's rats, too, but the only way I could even attempt to draw them was when their little sleepy heads poked out of their hammock. Otherwise, they won't sit still for even half a second.


I was really tired on Wednesday, and after I got off work, I just wanted to pass out. But I wanted to make sure I did my daily sketch, so it ended up being a weird cartoonish version of my foot. Tried to draw Adrian's cat again, but she wasn't upside down, so it didn't work.


On Thursday, I kind of wanted to make up for Wednesday's crappy drawing, so I spent a little more time on a picture of one of my cats, Haruka. I used a photo I had on my computer as reference, since she never sits still long enough for me to get her stripes down properly. I drew this way too small with too large of a pencil, though, so some of the finer details ended up looking a bit wonky.


By Friday, I was back in a more cartoony kind of mood and wanted to try drawing the Easter Bunny as an epic adveturer. There is totally candy in that messenger bag. Lots of candy.


I spent most of Saturday night fighting with my computer. It was getting late, and I realized I hadn't drawn anything yet, so I looked around the room and drew the legs of someone sitting on the couch across the room from me, because I thought the lines were interesting.

So, that's week one! Over the next couple of months, I'm doing to be doing a lot of game related stuff, so I may not be able to post what I'm working on some days if it's under NDA. But I'll do my best to keep up!

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