Sunday, July 31, 2011

Daily Sketch Hiatus

I was trying to avoid this, but unfortunately, I'm afraid I've gotten in way over my head this summer. Between my regular full-time job, trying to finish the DS game I'm working on before the fast-approaching deadline, moving to a new apartment, and taking a summer class, I've been trying to figure out when I'm supposed to sleep, let alone draw.

That's not to say that I haven't been drawing at all... in fact, I have at least a week's worth of unposted drawings that I still need to get around to scanning and uploading, as well as a bunch of random sketches here and there and some stuff related to my game. But with spending up to 14 hours a day at work regularly on top of my 3-hour commute, it's tough to find dedicated time to draw, and I'm generally ready to collapse by the time I get home. The summer class is what really pushed me over the edge as far as taking up a huge amount of my time. Definitely worthwhile, but with drawing and studying competing for attention, I think it might be best to take a little break for the remainder of the class.

The class is over in September, so the plan is that I'll be back to my daily sketches and weekly updates then! Sorry for the break... I was really hoping I could go uninterrupted all year, but like I said, I just took way too much on at once. I'm looking forward to September!

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